DCCW 1 Recap- Hobo Hank vs. La Migra just Getting Started

Indie pro wrestling again has a heart beat in the Land Of Enchantment and the pulse looks strong. 

In professional wrestling you look no further than the crowds reaction. At the end of the first DCCW event crowd responded to the nights show with a “Duke City” chant.

As soon as Hobo Hank walked through the curtain for the main event of DCCW 1 it was as if a bolt of  electricity crossed over the near capacity crowd.  And the place came unglued as Hobo Hank risked it all sending himself and Charlie 50 through a peace of plywood with a Russian leg sweep.  The cheers would muffled as Hank fought off three members of La Migra. And just when it appeared that Hobo Hank would get his hand raised after a successful tornado DDT the match would end in a disqualification from outside interference by Phoenix. All of La Migra would be run off as Mosh Pit Mike, Thunder, & Chris Watson hit the ring.

Turbo hit the for the co-main event and took the mic excited to see a big mass but wish there was more people in attendance. Not even a trio of  of belly to belly Supplex’s could stop turbo from finishing in the winners circle as a TKO took care of Mosh Pit Mike. Just like his political views Phoenix used dirty tacks defeating Chris Watson by roll up with undetected lerage from his feet on the  ropes.

Valak Vile attempted to scratch out Monster 9’s eyes. But the 300 pounder from Under the Big top showed his resolve and the power of his slam, the Truffle Shuffle, was the only thing more powerful than his stench.

Thunder survived an early sneak attack from Diablo Blanco with a kendo stick to pick up the victory with the macho man like, thunderbolt elbow drop off the top rope.

Chewy Martinez wins by Barrio Blaster, his version of a sit out power bomb after spreading himself away from Sean Lao’s attempt at a slice bread. 

Happy the Clown pumped up the energy and the crowd with his entrance but everyone was left down after Fonzi went low to get his hand raised.

The card opened with the man from meow Wolf, Enrique Del Gato pulling off the night’s biggest upset, surprising Jerry Van Delta for the three count showing that his 100 lbs. disadvantage was just a number.

From the opening bell to the final curtain call the audience in attendance was fully engage and responding to the show. While you could see it was their first show it was a step in the right direction giving the local talent a stage to perform and grow under. 

Albuquerque, who had been so thirsty for so long, had their thirst quenched tonight with Duke City Championship Wrestling. The Historic El Rey Theatre impressed a crowd of 300+ with not just entertainment, but emotion. I’m proud of Albuquerque. – Fred Slow DCCW Commentator 

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