Return of the Warrior Weigh-in Results
This weekend the New Mexico combat sports scene will be focused on the Buffalo Thunder Casino, who is playing host to “Return of the Warrior”, a Holmes Boxing and Orthrus Promotions; jointly presented event. The main event features the 2nd scheduled meeting of Tony “The Warrior” Valdez against Jamie “El Fama” Gutierrez. Today to make the fights official we hit the scales before they can hit one another tomorrow night.
Tony Valdez (117.8) vs. Jamie Gutierrez (119) – Main Event
Brandon Holmes (123.6) vs. Brandon Munoz (120.5) – Co-Main Event
Monica Lovato (123.9) vs. *DJ Morrision (130.4)
Brian Mendoza (152.6) vs. + Mark Cordova ()
Josh Montoya (138) vs. Miguel Gloria (137.5)
Angelo Leo (118.6) vs. Michael Herrera (118.3)
**Mike Aldrete (206.3) vs. Michael Eastman (185)
Matthew Baca (147.8) vs. Michael Gallegos (147.8)
*DJ Morrision came in over weight but the fight is likely to still happen.
+Mark Cordova was late to attend the weigh-ins.
**Mike Aldrete was hugely overweight and has to weigh-in with in 10 lbs. of Michael Eastman tomorrow. Eastman said he plans on being about 195 lbs. Aldrete for the fight to happen tomorrow must maintain his current weight.
Photo album from signing in to weigh-ins can be scene at